quinta-feira, maio 17, 2007

A alma do astrólogo

Hoje fui ter a este artigo Mapping the Psyche, do meu site de astrologia favorito, e logo o início é prometedor :) Eu também faço parte da lista daqueles que passaram anos a resistir à Astrologia. Só me "atrevi" a espreitar debaixo do véu porque um dia tive de saber mais, mais para além de tudo o que já sabia, de ir à raiz. E a astrologia permitiu-me responder à pergunta que me queimava - "porque é que isto me está a acontecer?"

"Over the years of teaching introduction courses in astrology, I have often wondered why, in this day and age, when we should know better, so many of us continue to be drawn to astrology. When I ask a new group of students what brought them here at this time in their lives, I often get the impression that they have not chosen astrology but that it has chosen them. It is not uncommon to hear students say that they have been interested in astrology for years and, in a sense, have been resisting it for years, but have found that, in the end, it won’t go away. And so we eventually find ourselves in a class, not really knowing what it will mean to us, if anything, or where it will take us, because something in us has decided that it is time to learn.

These classes are for that ‘something’ in us which I have gradually come to think of as a kind of shamanic calling. Could it be that astrologers are actually ‘chosen for their role by the spirits of the universe’? Certainly, many of us have experienced the standard signatures of the shamanic calling: that astrology comes upon us in spite of ourselves; that we often attempt to avoid making a commitment to astrology, for the very good reason that astrology is a demanding vocation which we sense will change our lives forever; that as we become mediators between the worlds, with one foot in the other realms, we can no longer live fully in the world. Ultimately astrology is not a technique but an initiation into a way of life which, because of its mysterious familiarity, often feels like a coming home."

Continuo a tentar fugir da Astrologia. Primeiro porque, desde o princípio, percebi que a via dos astros não é como tirar uma licenciatura em Farmácia ou Tradução - no final recebemos o diploma e já está. É um caminho para a vida. E depois porque é uma via sagrada. E por vezes isso é assustador. Um dia li um artigo fantástico, que nunca esqueci - The Astrologer's Soul. Ele começa o artigo desta forma: eu não escolhi a astrologia, a astrologia escolheu-me. Eu tenho sido infiel.

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